Digital and offset printing

Digital Printing

Digital printing is a modern printing method that directly transfers digital files to a variety of substrates, such as paper, cardstock, or even fabric. It’s a more cost-effective option for short print runs because it doesn’t require the creation of printing plates. Each print can be customized, making it suitable for personalized materials. Digital printing is known for its quick turnaround time and flexibility in handling variable data.

Offset Printing

Offset printing, on the other hand, is a traditional printing method that involves transferring ink from a metal plate to a rubber blanket before applying it to the printing surface. It’s often used for large print runs, as the initial setup cost is higher due to the creation of printing plates. However, once set up, the per-unit cost decreases for high-volume jobs. Offset printing is known for its high-quality and consistent results, making it suitable for projects like magazines, brochures, and packaging.

How We Work Here

File Preparation

Create a digital document, save it as a PDF, and skip the traditional steps of color separation and printing plates in digital offset printing.

Printing Setup

Send, print, and craft with digital offset precision—no plates needed, just a seamless transfer from the digital image to the printing surface via an intermediate blanket.

Print and Finishing

Ink transforms surfaces, the press duplicates with precision, and finishing flourishes, be it in-line or as a standalone step, cater to specific needs.
